Do you know anyone who’s ever had a bankruptcy, or a foreclosure, or a short sale? Most people we find think that they can’t buy a house. They think that it’s just it’s out of their league, but guess what? They’re incorrect. If you’ve ever had a short sale, a bankruptcy, a foreclosure, you can buy again, there is hope.
That’s the big misconception, Krista. My name is Tracy Schmid with Supreme Lending, a direct mortgage lender. And you don’t need a 700 credit score to buy a home. There are programs as low as 580. You can have a bankruptcy, a short sale, a foreclosure and get yourself into a home again.
Isn’t that awesome? And also, people think that you’ve got to have tons of money down, but guess what? You can get into a house with no money down at all. And there’s also programs out there where they can loan you money that you pay back later, or that’s even forgiven after a certain amount of time.
There’s down payment assistance, there’s down payment matching. There are a lot of different programs to get someone into a home.
But guess what? You don’t know about it unless you call us, so call us and let us advise you to get you on your road to home ownership. Krista Mashore with Homes by Krista.
Tracy Schmid with Supreme Lending. And we will talk to you soon.
We can’t wait to help you.
The Mashore Group is a licensed Broker in the state of California and is a leading authority on East County, California area real estate. Our love for the communities we live and work in are why we do what we do.
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